An Indian, born and raised in Kuwait, Shree conceptualized Vedic Living while she was living in Dallas. As a child, she was raised in an environment where astrology principals blended seamlessly into the traditional Hindu customs; everything from the Lunar calendar, the customs, the traditional festivals; all reflected an underlying awareness of the movement of the planets. The folklore and mythology of these planets and nakshatras were her bedtime stories. This manner of rearing, laid down the initial foundation of astrology in her psyche. Years later, she became interested in the actual concept behind astrology and learnt there was a lot more to it than the traditional Jyotisha she was exposed to as a child. The science was pristine and unquestionable. She realized astrology should be used to instill positive change in humanity. And this is where Vedic Living was born.
Shree was trained by world-renowned astrologer Joni Patry and certified "MA in Vedic Astrology" by UVA. She teaches an online astrology certification program and is also a published author. In an attempt to bring all the Vedic sciences together, Shree recently completed her 200 RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) certification. The various parallels and connections between Jyotisha, Yoga and Ayurveda continue to astound her and she firmly believes they should all be practiced in a unified cohesion.
Having started this journey in 2009, till date Shree has completed hundreds of chart readings in an attempt to empower her clients and explain why something is the way it is and where their free-will comes into play. Spreading this knowledge and awareness of Vedic subjects, as well as helping more people use these valuable tools to live their best possible life, remains her humble purpose.
A unique book, written to help the reader understand and grasp the fundamentals of Jaimini Astrology. This book is set apart by the fact that anybody, whether the novice astrologer or the seasoned professional, will find this book valuable and easy to understand. Jaimini Maharishi was a renowned sage in Ancient India who envisioned a highly accurate system of astrology as a result of many years of penance and meditation. He compiled these concepts into Sutras which form the backbone of the Jaimini system. As you flip through the pages, you will learn about Jaimini aspects, Signs, Katapayadi system, Karaka planets, Argalas, Chara Dasha, Jaimini Yogas, Arishta Yoga etc.